PEDMS - Innovative Content Management Solutions
What if there was a system where content was the focus over location (files vs folders), information can be found easily and quickly, conversations and dialogue can be linked to documents to track and trace decisions and recommendations, workflow processes can be easily configured, collegues and professionals can provide input and review as required .....
PEDMS provides these tools in a secure environment to allow you to focus on what you do best - provide professional services in the knowledge your information is secure and automated workflows are available.
We have spent a significant part of our careers working in and around engineering consultancies and operating companies. In many cases, valuable engineering and technical experience is utilised transferring information between documents and a loss of history and basis for key decisions. Online information/document management systems have a history of lacking security in a cloud environment as well as inherent latency which makes everyday use difficult.
Our flagship product PEDMS was born ....
Using an approach where the 'document is king' and novel security and database architecture allowed us to develop a robust, feature rich environment for the creation of documentation in a collaborative environment with full audit, trace-ability and control to scale for individuals, to small teams up to larger projects.

Easy. Fast. Secure.
PEDMS uses modern data encryption techniques to safely store and transport your key documentation, combined with local caching to dramatically enhance responsiveness, decrease latency and increase productivity - including powerful features to audit access, updates and to link key document background and reference information together.
Additional functionality to include and capture key email correspondence combines to provide a powerful cloud based document management system.
PEDMS works on the basis of each document remaining the focus, with the ability to group, comment, collaborate in a cloud based environment.
Metadata is key, with the PEDMS documents driven through Metadata which is fully customised for each project if required or a standard set of metadata templates are available to get you up and running quickly
Your documents are the embodiment of your knowledge and experience and it is essential that any system provides security for access and control. PEDMS works in a fully secure, encrypted environment.
Many cloud based systems may be suitable for web based searching but a functional system must have minimal latency to allow for access and utilisation which mimics a local based application. PEDMS uses a unique database architecture to provide both security and speed.
Add collaborators for review or customise a complete workflow process for document review and approval. In each case, collaborator changes, comments and supporting information remains available for review and reference.
Review who and when documents were accessed. Access historical copies of documents and onitor access and updates of documents in real time.
Have you ever wanted to reference to information and documents at a point in time - PEDMS allows creation of relationships between documents to allow others to understand key references and information used to make key decisions.
Please email or complete the form below and we would be keen to discuss the product features further or arrange a demonstration